What people are saying about Priscilla…

“I really appreciated the gentle, tactful and effective way that Priscilla conducted mediation.  I enjoyed working with her immensely and look forward to mediating with her again in the future.  I highly recommend her!”

“I very much enjoyed working with Priscilla. She has a keen sense of the value of a case, the life cycle of litigation and different leverage points that may bring about a resolution.  She is sensitive to both sides and a good communicator.  She is also able to work creatively to find solutions to suit all parties.  I would definitely recommend Priscilla as a mediator.”

“Priscilla is an excellent mediator and I always enjoy working with her. Her tenacity, legal acumen and good humor make her a standout neutral, and she possesses a masterful ability to balance empathy and firmness as necessary. I recommend her without reservation.”

“I really enjoyed working with Priscilla. I appreciate her down-to-earth approach to handling conflicts, her warmth and humor that set people at ease, and her ability to see past the challenges to reach workable solutions. I would definitely recommend her as a mediator."